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  • 1
    Autores Rubio Guerrero, Germán
    Publicado 2016-10-25
    Descripción: ...This article is the product of the research project “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the Financial Sector Institutions of Ibague,” and aims to analyze the city’s banking behavior with respect to CSR. ...
  • 2
    Descripción: ...This paper presents the results of a survey about technovigilance carried out in 21 clinical institutions from the southwest of Colombia. It also provides an analysis of how these programs take into account different risk management methodologies in order to create awareness of the importance of patient safety in all members of the staff and improve the quality of the health services provided. ...
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    Autores Escobar Soto, Jhon Jaiver
    Publicado 2024-07-01
    Descripción: ...Este artículo presenta los resultados de la implementación del método de subdivisión para la calibración de pesas clase E1 en el laboratorio de masa del Instituto Nacional de Metrología de Colombia (INM), y se comparan los resultados de medición en el intervalo de 10 g a 1 kg con los valores de masa reportados por institutos de metrología internacionalmente reconocidos, para demostrar el grado de equivalencia entre estos. ...
  • 4
    Descripción: ...It can be observed that the institutions that were part of the analysis in Medellin, met many of the parameters that are required for ethical banking. ...
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    Descripción: ...A partir del diseño, fabricación y evaluación de una celda cerrada de indio en el Instituto Nacional de Metrología de Colombia (INM), se logró obtener un patrón termométrico para incluir el servicio de calibración de termómetros tipo SPRT (Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer) y Pt100 por el método de la EIT – 90 (conocido comúnmente como método de Puntos Fijos) dentro de la oferta de servicios del Laboratorio de Temperatura y Humedad de la Subdirección de Metrología Física. ...
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    Descripción: ...The information sources were the institutional software for the report of adverse events, and surveys administered to the institution staff. ...
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    Palabra clave: ...educational public institutions...
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    Descripción: ...For the development of this project, reference visits at different health institutions in the city of Medellín-Colombia were made. ...
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    Autores Guerra Bretaña, Rosa Mayelín, Marin, Yudi
    Publicado 2017-10-07
    Descripción: ...The objective of this study is to analyze the hospital accreditation programs and ISO 9001 quality management and certification schemes of health institutions, as well as to identify the benefits of each of them, their similarities and differences. ...
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    Autores Ramírez.B., Andres F., M.G., Jhon F., N. B., Gonzalo
    Publicado 2015-09-24
    Descripción: ...To fulfill this in every hospital institution in Colombia institutions must undertake a process of availability, as a minimum requirement to provide quality health services, as established by Decree 2003 of 2014, which makes mandatory calibrating medical equipments; but there is a unique and normative standard which determine an appropriate metrological management in health institutions, so this article aims to present a characterization of metrological management in biomedical equipment based on national and international standards and performing validation care in health institutions, in the framework of the research project Cleaner Production in Medellin’s health cluster.Resumo––  A Metrologia, como a ciência da medição tem a sua utilização no sector industrial, mas se sublinha a importância na sua aplicação na área da saúde, como acontece com os processos metrológicos podem se identificar a exatidão e precisão que pode ter os equipamentos biomédicos; daí a relevância de enfatizar a necessidade de desenvolver as normas em tema de metrologia em equipamentos biomédicos deve emitir essas organizações no país que garantam os serviços de proteção social relacionadas com a promoção, proteção e recuperação da saúde apresentado nas normas de cada país. ...
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    Descripción: ...Aún en contextos tecnológicos, sociodemográficos y regulatorios cambiantes, los Ingenieros Biomédicos han tenido la oportunidad de continuar desarrollando y evolucionando su profesión alrededor de la seguridad del paciente por medio de una variedad de habilidades que incluyen el entrenamiento, evaluación, gestión y diseño de tecnología biomédica. en este proceso ha sido relevante el efectivo trabajo en equipos interdisciplinarios, la colaboración entre entornos hospitalarios y la adecuada transferencia de conocimiento a través agentes de cambio; profesionales que ayudan a educar y difundir nuevas prácticas seguras en la atención en salud. esta entrevista está dedicada a estos profesionales y a la gestión tecnológica y cultural que han emprendido en sus instituciones con el fin de gestionar la seguridad del paciente y mejorar la calidad en la atención en salud; con el resultado de convertirlas en instituciones pioneras en colombia. en este artículo se presentan las opiniones de un grupo de “champions” en seguridad del Paciente sobre el impacto de las políticas gubernamentales, los procesos de análisis de eventos adversos y el papel del ingeniero Biomédico en la seguridad del paciente.Abstract: since its conception one of the main functions of Biomedical engineers has been to ensure patient safety in the clinical environment through the management of biomedical technology and the investigation of technological incidents. at present it is not difficult to find Biomedical Engineers as a cornerstone in interdisciplinary teams that analyze adverse events in IPS in colombia. even in changing technological, socio-demographic and regulatory contexts, the Biomedical engineers have had the opportunity to continue developing and evolving their work around patient safety through a diversity of skills including training, assessment, management and design of technology. in this process, the effective interdisciplinary teamwork, the collaboration among health care settings and the proper transfer of knowledge through champions have been important factors. this interview is dedicated to these champions and the technological and cultural management that they have undertaken in their institutions to manage patient safety and increase the quality in health care; with the result of transforming their institutions into pioneers in Colombia. this article presents the opinions of a group of patient safety “champions” regarding the impact of government policies, the adverse events process and the role of the Biomedical engineer in patient safety. ...
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    Autores Castaño-Portilla, Carolina, P. H., Lizeth
    Publicado 2015-09-24
    Descripción: ...The study results indicate that each model has strengths that can be exploited in building a consensus model in line with the needs of health institutions (IPS, in Colombia) in the country and the operating conditions of the Colombian health system.Resumo— A gestão de tecnologias em saúde é o elemento chave para garantir um atendimento com segurança e de qualidade ao paciente. ...
  • 17
    Descripción: ...This paper presents a dimensional model for a data warehouse that enables the analysis of information related to the appropriation of ICT skills by teachers and students of educational institutions. The design cases are based on Ralph Kimball’s proposals: many to many relationship, heterogeneous products, subdimension and organizational hierarchy. ...
  • 18
    Descripción: ...The current context and supply problems are described based on research conducted at healthcare service provider institutions (IPS) providing oncology services in different cities of Colombia. ...
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    Descripción: ...Este trabajo propone bases o lineamientos para el desarrollo y ejecución del proyecto de recuperación del corredor urbano de la salud Juan del Corral, con el objetivo de contribuir a hacer realidad dicho propósito.Abstract: With the constructions of the Hospital San Vicente de Paul building at Medellín, started a new zone vocation in their surroundings. Several health institutions have being settled close to 51D avenue, “Avenida Juan del Corral”. ...
  • 20
    Descripción: ...As a consequence of the crisis of 2007/2008, which started in the United States of America within the financial sector and which then spread to the real sector, the governments of several countries had to bail out financial institutions and companies. Central banks, especially in the U.S. and Europe injected liquidity in large volumes into the markets in order to stabilize the financial sector, a process which might produce higher inflation. ...