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    Descripción: ...The aim of this paper is to analyze, the behavior of the bracket system for securing the center in cylindrical workspace. This is composed by a ball screw system, that converts the rotational motor movement in lineal movement present in a carriage mount over the screw. here we show a simulation on SolidWorks Software, where we work the static analysis based on finite elemnet analysis, for ensure the good performance of mechanism, and prevent materials fail.  ...
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    Autores Adarme Jaimes, Wilson, Cárdenas, Iván Darío
    Publicado 2014-10-17
    Descripción: ...Urban logistics are a major issue given that urban centers tend to grow and consolidate economic and industrial activities with social and human activities. ...
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    Autores Zuluaga García, Tatiana
    Publicado 2013-10-29
    Descripción: ...Esto se logra con un esquema asociativo entre entes públicos, inversionistas privados y propietarios del suelo, en el que se minimiza la inversión del Estado por medio de instrumentos de planificación, de gestión del suelo, de financiación y de gestión social donde se busca el equilibrio de las cargas y los beneficios de todos los actores.Abstract: Accomplishing the urban operation of South Intermodal Transportation hub as starting point for a new Metropolitan center in the South of the Aburrá Valley implies developing a methodological path for the complete management of the project from its initial draft up to its construction. ...
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    Autores Molina Velásquez, Tatiana
    Publicado 2011-11-21
    Descripción: ...The clinical engineer is the person that can develop the acquisition plan that would benefit not only the health care center but the patient and the medical staff. This article will provide to clinical and administrative staff a basic guideline to use in the technology acquisition process. ...
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    Autores Echavarria, Maria Victoria
    Publicado 2013-11-07
    Descripción: ...Problem-based learning is a pedagogical strategy widely applied in many universities worldwide with the purpose of improving the learning out come of the students who become the center of the process. This paper presents a case report illustrating an experience, its evolving process and subsequent results of a problem-based learning (PBL) application during five semesters in a Process Management and Control course for under graduate programs of Industrial Engineering and Management Engineering in Colombia. ...
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    Descripción: ...Ablation is one of the treatments for AF, for chronic AF is needed complex ablation patterns, so currently it has been looking for an ideal pattern with a minimum number of ablation lines.In this work activity of a rotor was simulated in a 2D model of human atrial tissue, under chronic AF conditions, and the center of rotation (tip) was located. Six different simple ablation patterns composed of a limited number of lines were proposed and evaluated. ...
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    Descripción: ...The tabu search metaheuristic was implemented in the putaway operation of a Food company in Medellin, allowing the reduction of time and cost of 7 %, what amounts to a cost savings of $ 750000 a month and 383 minutes a month compared to a FLCL (Farthest Location -Closest Location) routing strategy, currently being used by the  Food company, which allows to increase the efficiency of the operation and Distribution Center (DC).ResumoO artigo tem como objetivo desenvolver uma metaheurística busca tabu para configurar rotas de alojamento, que são modelados como um problema do tipo TSP (Traveling Salesman Problem), a fim de obter as sequências de m posições de armazenamento j para localizar n produtos i ,no menor tempo possível. ...
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    Descripción: ...Coherence between the manager’s actions and results in the organizations was not found, therefore, the creation of a quality center was proposed to the Municipality of Medellin, as public politics to face the global competition. ...