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    Descripción: ...Se utilizó recursos de información secundaria sobre el marco legal e institucional, información histórica del Instituto, bases de datos digitales y una encuesta con la participación de las investigadoras del INIAP. ...
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    Descripción: ...Titulo en ingles:  Identifying elements having an impact on consolidating how water is made drinkable in suburban and rural educational institutions in Villavicencio and Acacias in the Meta department, ColombiaRESUMEN:  Se evaluó la apropiación de los procesos  de  potabilización de  agua con base en la tecnología FiME - filtración en múltiples etapas - por  parte de los usuarios de cinco instituciones educativas de los municipios de  Villavicencio y Acacias, Meta. ...
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    Autores Góngora Orjuela, Agustín
    Publicado 2009-09-01
    Descripción: ...ABSTRACT: The results of the recent research group classification during the past Colciencias meeting for such purpose in 2008 revealed a significant increase in institutional research capacity, rising from 2 to 11 groups recognised by the Universidad de los Llanos and another 10 belonging to other institutions. ...
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    Descripción: ...Estos estudios son muy importantes  desde el punto de vista de la conservación biológica de especies de mamíferos neotropicales.Palabras Claves: Primates Platirrinos; Cebus, Saimiri, Aotus, Saguinus, Alouatta, Lagothrix, Ateles, marcadores microsatélites (STRPs), diversidad génica, equilibrio Hardy-Weinberg, cuello de botella, Colombia, Perú.ABSTRACT: Ten microsatellite DNA loci (STRP) were employed to study several traits in the genetic composition of 14 Platyrrhini Neotropical Primate species (Cebus albifrons, Cebus apella,  Cebus capucinus, Aotus nancymae, Saguinus  oedi- pus, Saguinus leocopus, Saguinus geoffroyi, Saimiri sciureus, Saimiri boliviensis, Alouatta seniculus, Lagothrix lagotricha, Ateles fusciceps, Ateles hybridus and Ateles belzebuth) in four Colombian institutions (Cali, Medellín, Barranquilla and Jaime Duque Zoos) and in one Peruvian Primatologist institution (IVITA, Iquitos), as well as from individuals directly surveyed in the wild. ...
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    Publicado 2004-01-01
    Descripción: ...These data contain valuable information that can be used to improve the  competitiveness  of institutions owners of these data.The information  to discover can have many forms,  among  them associative  rules or groups of denominated  sets (Cluster), if to this we add the capacity that  has the Fuzzy Logic of breaking up with the third  excluded principle and to allow the relevancy from an element to several Cluster, we have a quite useful methodology when classifying in sets the content of the database.associative  rules or groups of denominated sets (Cluster), if to this we add the capacity that  has the Fuzzy Logic of breaking up with the third  excluded principle and to allow the relevancy from an element to several Cluster, we have a quite useful methodology when classifying in sets the content of the databases.In this paper is shown the implementation  of an  algorithm denominated C -Means for the grouping of data in fuzzy sets, this it has been implemented with the development of a  denominated program  (Software  Mining Data Fuzzy) SM2D 1.21.0  Beta.Key words: Data Bases (BD), Fuzzy Sets, Cluster, C-Means, Data Mining. ...
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    Autores APONTE GARZÓN, L.H
    Publicado 2005-01-01
    Descripción: ...It was  found that cases of rural area correspond to an area where there are institutions with an important number of people, mostly young adults located in limited areas. ...
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    Descripción: ...This situations make us to propose new reflections on the way childhood institutions intervene and help this children and their  families, defines integral  and effective protection mechanisms that break down the poverty circles, improve the vision of the human rights and its importance thorough educational processes and multisectorial intervention.Finally, is important to focus on the nature of the real problem, which does not allow its complete eradication so the urgently matter  is to improve the conditions where this permanent poverty problem is developed.Key words: children workers, social representations, human rights, children workers risks. ...
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    Autores MALAGÓN, L. M
    Publicado 2004-01-01
    Descripción: ...This procedure allowed determining  that  programs and activities are carried out taking into consideration national,  state  and municipal policies but without participation  and agreement  with the Educational Community, starting  from  a  diagnosis  and  an evaluation that commits that Community in addition, it  is shown that  the  Educational  Plans  are  not functional, since the community does not acknowledge those plans; which points out the need for a paradigm change in the education to be inserted  in the new economic model, trying to maximize given to the institutions.  All these transformations will take place only if credibility in public education offered with quality, efficiency and efficacy is achieved. ...
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