Mecanismos Neurocognitivos de la motivación en el entrenamiento físico

La inactividad física y el sedentarismo son en la actualidad un problema de salud global que preocupa por su crecimiento sistemático. Provoca consecuencias sanitarias en los adultos y, con un incremento alarmante, en la población más joven. Por el contrario, la realización periódica de actividad física ha demostrado beneficios a la salud física, neurológica y mental. A pesar de los incontrovertibles datos sobre sus efectos positivos, menos de la mitad de la población mundial se ejercita regularmente. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una breve descripción sobre los mecanismo neurocognitivos que se encuentran implicados en los procesos de motivación, en especial los que se vinculan a la actividad física, con la finalidad de presentar u... Ver más

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spelling Mecanismos Neurocognitivos de la motivación en el entrenamiento físico
De Souza GG, Duarte ID, De Castro Perez A. Differential involvement of central and peripheral a2 adrenoreceptors in the antinociception induced by aerobic and resistance exercise. Anesth Analg [Internet]. 2013 Mar;116(3):703-711. DOI:
Organización Mundial de la Salud [Internet]. 2002 Ago 09. Estrategia mundial sobre régimen alimentario, actividad física y salud: inactividad física: un problema de salud pública mundial; fecha de publicación desconocida [citado 2020 Jun 13]. 1 pantalla. Disponible en:
Davidson, R J. Emotion and affective style: hemispheric substrate. Psychological Science [Internet]. 1992 Ene 1;3(1): 39-43. DOI:
Shimamura AP. Toward a cognitive neuroscience of metacognition. Consciousness and Cognition [Internet]. 2000 Jun;9(2):313–323. DOI:
Banks SJ, Eddy KT, Angstadt M, Nathan PJ, Phan KL. Amygdala–frontal connectivity during emotion regulation. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci [Internet]. 2007 Jul 21;2(4):303–312. DOI:
Rotter J. Generalized expectancies for internal versus external control of reinforcement. Psychological Monographs: General and Applied [Internet]. 1896-1966;80(1):1-28. DOI:
Ng TWH, Sorensen KL, Eby LT. Locus of control at work: a meta-analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior [Internet]; 2006 Sep 22;27(8):1057-1087. DOI:
Johnson C. Sports as a mechanism for reaching your potential: the relationship between positive psychology and sports. Sports science and human health-different approaches [Internet]. 2020 Feb 25. IntechOpen:1-18. DOI:
Boiche J, Sarrazin P. Proximal and distal factors associated with dropout versus maintained participation in organized sport. J Sports Sci Med [Internet]. 2009 Mar 1;8(1):9-16. Disponible en:
Cervelló E. La motivación y el abandono deportivo desde la perspectiva de las metas de logro. [tesis doctoral]. [Valencia]: Universidad de Valencia; 1996.
Chalah MA, Ayache SS. Disentangling the neural basis of cognitive behavioral therapy in psychiatric disorders: a focus on depression. Brain Sci [Internet]. 2018 Ago 9;8(8):150.
Hope D.A, Burns J.A, Hyes S.A, Herbert J.D, Warner M.D. Automatic thoughts and cognitive restructuring in cognitive behavioral group therapy for social anxiety disorder. Cognitive Therapy Research [Internet]. 2007 Jun 2;34(0):1–12. DOI:
Nicholas AP, hokfelt T, Pieribone VA. The distribution and significance of CNS adrenoceptors examined with in situ hybridization. Trends Pharmacol Sci [Internet]. 1996 Jul;17(7):245-255. DOI:
Richardson CR, Faulkner G, and McDevitt J. Integrating physical activity into mental health services for persons with serious mental illness. Psychiatr Serv [Internet]. 2005 Mar 1;56(3):324–31. DOI:
MacDonald E, Kobilka BK, Scheinin M. Gene targetinghoming in on alpha 2-adrenoceptor-subtype function. Trends Pharmacol Sci [Internet]. 1997 Jun 1;18(6):211-219. DOI:
Yaksh TL. Pharmacology of spinal adrenergic systems which modulate spinal nociceptive processing. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1985 May;22(5):845-858. DOI:
Bromberg-Martin ES, Hikosaka O, Nakamura K. Coding of task reward value in the dorsal raphe nucleus. J Neurosci [Internet]. 2010 May 5;30(18):6262–6272. DOI:
Bari A, Theobald DE, Caprioli D, Mar AC, Aidoo-Micah A., Dalley JW, et al. Serotonin modulates sensitivity to reward and negative feedback in a probabilistic reversal learning task in rats. Neuropsychopharmacology [Internet]. 2010 Ene 27;35(0):1290–1301. DOI:
Fischer A G, Ullsperger M. An update on the role of serotonin and its interplay with dopamine for reward. Front Hum Neurosci [Internet]. 2017 Oct 11;11(484). DOI:
Korb A, Bonetti LV, da Silva SA, et al. Effect of treadmill exercise on serotonin immunoreactivity in medullary raphe nuclei and spinal cord following sciatic nerve transection in rats. Neurochem Res [Internet]. 2009 Sep 23;35(0):380-389 DOI:
Pietrelli A, Matković L, Vacotto M, Lopez-Costa JJ, Basso N, Brusco A. Aerobic exercise upregulates the BDNF-serotonin systems and improves the cognitive function in rats. Neurobiology of learning and Memory [Internet]; 2018 Nov;155(0):528-542. DOI:
Brown BS, Payne T, Kim C, Moore G, Krebs P, Martin W. Chronic response of rat brain norepinephrine and serotonin levels to endurance training. J Appl Physiol Respir Environ Exerc Physiol [Internet]. 1979 Ene 1;46(1):19-23. DOI:
Rivot J.P., Pointis D., Besson J.M. A comparison of the effects of morphine on 5-HT metabolism in the periaqueductal gray, ventromedial medulla and medullary dorsal horn: in vivo electrochemical studies in freely moving rats. Brain Research, 1989. 495 (1), pp. 140-144.27.
Millan Mj. Descending control of pain. Prog Neurobiol. 2002 Abr;66(6): 355-474. DOI:
Galdino G, Romero TR, Silva jF, et al. The endocannabinoid system mediates aerobic exercise induced antinociception in rats. Neuropharmacology [Internet]. 2014 Feb; 77(0): 313-324. DOI:
Sharma A, Madaan V, Petty FD. Exercise for mental health. Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry [Internet]. 2006;8(2):106. DOI:
Callaghan P. Exercise: a neglected intervention in mental health care? J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs [Internet]. 2004 Jul 14;11(4):476–83. DOI:
Mecanismos Neurocognitivos de la motivación en el entrenamiento físico
Raji CA, Merrill DA, Eyre H, Mallam S, Torosyan N, Erickson KI et al. Longitudinal relationships between caloric expenditure and gray matter in the cardiovascular health study. J Alzheimer’s Dis [Internet]. 2016; 52:719–29. DOI:
Diamond A, Ling DS. Conclusions about interventions, programs, and approaches for improving executive functions that appear justified and those that, despite much hype, do not. Dev Cogn Neurosci [Internet]. 2016;18:34–48. DOI:
Lytle M, Bilt J, Pandav R, Dodge H, Ganguli M. Exercise level and cognitive decline. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord [Internet]. 2004;18:57–64. DOI:
Guszkowska M. Effects of exercise on anxiety, depression and mood. Psychiatr Pol [Internet]. 2004 Jul-Ago;38(4):611–20. Disponible en:
Khan NA, Hillman CH. The relation of childhood physical activity and aerobic fitness to brain function and cognition: a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci [Internet]. 2014;26:138–146. DOI:
Stillman CM, Cohen J, Lehman ME, Erickson KI. Mediators of physical activity on neurocognitive function: a review at multiple levels of analysis. Front Hum Neurosci [Internet].2016 Dic 8;10:626. DOI:
Sharma, A. Madaan, V. Petty, F D. Exercise for Mental Health. [Internet]. 2006;8(2):106. DOI:
Sandoval-Obando, E.; Sierra, E. y Zacarés, J. Envejecer generativamente: una propuesta desde el modelo del buen vivir. Neurama. Revista Electrónica de Psicogerontología [Internet]. 2019;6(2): 16-26. Disponible en:
Hötting K, Röder B. Beneficial effects of physical exercise on neuroplasticity and cognition. Neurosci Biobehav Rev [Internet]. 2013 Nov;37(9B):2243–2257. DOI:
Ma CL, Ma XT, Wang JJ, Liu H, Chen YF, Yang Y. Physical exercise induces hippocampal neurogenesis and prevents cognitive decline. Behav Brain Res [Internet]. 2017 Ene 15;317(0):332–339. DOI:
Yau SY, Gil-Mohapel J, Christie BR, So KF. Physical exercise-induced adult neurogenesis: a good strategy to prevent cognitive decline in neurodegenerative diseases? Biomed Res Int [Internet]. 2014 Abr 9;2014(403120). DOI:
Öhman H, Savikko N, Strandberg TE, Pitkälä KH. Effect of physical exercise on cognitive performance in older adults with mild cognitive impairment or dementia: a systematic review. Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis [Internet]. 2014;38:347–365. DOI:
Luliano E, di Cagno A, Cristofano A, Angiolillo A, D´Aversa R, Ciccotelli S et al. Physical exercise for prevention of dementia (EPD) study: background, design and methods. BMC Public Health [Internet]. 2019 May 29;19(659) DOI:
Fogarty M, Happell B, Pinikahana J. The benefits of an exercise program for people with schizophrenia: a pilot study. Psychiatr Rehabil J [Internet]. 2004;28(2):173–6. DOI:
Peluso MA, Andrade LH. Physical activity and mental health: the association between exercise and mood. Clinics [Internet]. 2005 Ene-Feb;60(1):61–70. DOI:
Watkins, B. A. Endocannabinoids, exercise, pain, and a path to health with aging. Molecular Aspects of Medicine [Internet]; 2018 Dic;64(0):68-78. DOI:
Galdino G, Romero T, Silva JF, et al. Acute resistance exercise induces antinociception by activation of the endocannabinoid system in rats. Anesth Analg [Internet]. 2014 Sep;119(3): 702-715. DOI:
Murad F. Nitric oxide and cyclic GMP in cell signaling and drug development. N Engl J Med [Internet]. 2006 Nov 9; 355(0): 2003-2011. DOI:
Le Heron C, Apps MAJ, Husain M. The anatomy of apathy: a neurocognitive framework for amotivated behaviour. Neuropsychologia [Internet]. 2018 Sep;118(B):54-67. DOI:
La inactividad física y el sedentarismo son en la actualidad un problema de salud global que preocupa por su crecimiento sistemático. Provoca consecuencias sanitarias en los adultos y, con un incremento alarmante, en la población más joven. Por el contrario, la realización periódica de actividad física ha demostrado beneficios a la salud física, neurológica y mental. A pesar de los incontrovertibles datos sobre sus efectos positivos, menos de la mitad de la población mundial se ejercita regularmente. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una breve descripción sobre los mecanismo neurocognitivos que se encuentran implicados en los procesos de motivación, en especial los que se vinculan a la actividad física, con la finalidad de presentar una serie de recomendaciones pragmáticas para aumentar la adherencia a programas de entrenamiento físico, basados en técnicas de la psicología cognitiva y analizados desde la perspectiva neurocognitiva.
Actividad física
reestructuración cognitiva
neurociencia cognitiva
Artículo de revista
Jonsdottir Ih, Jungersten L, Johansson C, Wennmalm A, Thorean P, Hoffmann P. Increase in nitric oxide formation after chronic voluntary exercise in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Acta Physiol Scand [Internet]. 1998 Feb;162(2):149-153. DOI:
Organización Mundial de la Salud [Internet]. 2002 Ago 09. Estrategia mundial sobre régimen alimentario, actividad física y salud: actividad física; fecha de publicación desconocida [citado 2020 Jun 13]. 1 pantalla. Disponible en:
Yong Tan S, Yip A. António Egas Moniz (1874–1955): Lobotomy pioneer and Nobel laureate. Singapore Med J [Internet]. 2014;55(4):175–176. DOI:
Sung-il K. Neuroscientific model of motivational process. Front Psychol [Internet]. 2013 Mar 04; 4(98) DOI:
Davidson R. Anterior cerebral asymmetry and the nature of emotion. Brain and Cognition [Internet]. 1992 Sep; 20(1): 125-151. DOI:
Duarte ID, Lorenzetti BB, Ferreira Sh. Peripheral analgesia and activation of the nitric oxide cyclic GMP pathway. Eur J Pharmacol [Internet]. 1990 Sep 21;186(2-3):289-293. DOI:
Da Silva Santos, R., & Galdino, G. Endogenous systems involved in exercise-induced analgesia. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology: An Official Journal of the Polish Physiological Society [Internet]; 2018 Feb; 69(1): 3-13. DOI:
Gutin B, Owens S. The influence of physical activity on cardiometabolic biomarkers in youths: a review. Pediatric Exercise Science [Internet]. 2001;23(2):169-185. DOI:
Costigan SA, Lubans, DR, Lonsdale C, Sanders T, del Pozo Cruz B. Associations between physical activity intensity and well-being in adolescents. Preventive Medicine [Internet]. 2019 Ago;125 (0):55-61. DOI:
Duda P, Brown J. Lateral Asymmetry of Positive and Negative Emotions. Cortex [Internet]. 1984 Jun;20(2):253-261. DOI:
Hughes BL, Zaki J. The neuroscience of motivated cognition. Science & Society [Internet]. 2015 Feb 01;19(2): 62-64. DOI:
Moran, A. P. The psychology of concentration in sport performers: a cognitive analysis. Exeter: Psychology Press. 2016.
Chang MO, Peralta AO, Corcho OJP. Training with cognitive behavioral techniques for the control of precompetitive anxiety. IJHMS [Internet]. 2020 Feb 4;3(1), 29-34. Disponible en:
Holtgraves T, Felton A. Hemispheric asymmetry in the processing of negative and positive words: a divided field study. Cognition & Emotion [Internet]. 2011 May 4;25(4):691-699. DOI:
Poppa T, Bechara A. The somatic marker hypothesis: revisiting the role of the ‘body-loop’ in decision-making. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences [Internet]. 2018 Feb; 19:61-66. DOI:
Adinoff B. Neurobiologic processes in drug reward and addiction. Harv Rev Psychiatry [Internet]. 2004 Nov-Dic;12(6):305–320. DOI:
Da Silva Santos R, Galdino G. Endogenous systems involved in exercise-induced analgesia. J Physiol Pharmacol [Internet]. 2018;69(1):3-13. DOI:
Damasio AR. Descartes' error: emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam and Sons. 1994.
Naqvi N, Shiv B, Bechara A. The role of emotion in decision making: a cognitive neuroscience perspective. Current Directions in Psychological Science [Internet]. 2016 Oct 1;15(5):260-264. DOI:
Revista de Investigación e Innovación en Ciencias de la Salud
Physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle are currently a global health problem that concerns because of its systematic growth, the health consequences it causes for adults and, in alarming escalation, also for the younger population. On the contrary, regular physical activity has shown benefits to physical, neurological and mental health. Despite the incontrovertible information about its positive effects, less than half of the world’s population excercises regularly. This work’s objective is to make a brief description of the neurocognitive mechanisms that are involved in the motivational processes, especially those linked to physical activity, in order to present pragmatic recommendations that increase adherence to physical training programs, based on techniques of cognitive psychology and analyzed from a neurocognitive perspective.
Salvador Bertone, Matías
Ezequiel Loskin, Ulises
Sandoval Obando, Eduardo
Acosta, Martín
Physical activity
cognitive restructuring
cognitive neuroscience
Journal article
Fundación Universitaria María Cano
country_str Colombia
collection Revista de Investigación e Innovación en Ciencias de la Salud
title Mecanismos Neurocognitivos de la motivación en el entrenamiento físico
spellingShingle Mecanismos Neurocognitivos de la motivación en el entrenamiento físico
Salvador Bertone, Matías
Ezequiel Loskin, Ulises
Sandoval Obando, Eduardo
Acosta, Martín
Actividad física
reestructuración cognitiva
neurociencia cognitiva
Physical activity
cognitive restructuring
cognitive neuroscience
title_short Mecanismos Neurocognitivos de la motivación en el entrenamiento físico
title_full Mecanismos Neurocognitivos de la motivación en el entrenamiento físico
title_fullStr Mecanismos Neurocognitivos de la motivación en el entrenamiento físico
title_full_unstemmed Mecanismos Neurocognitivos de la motivación en el entrenamiento físico
title_sort mecanismos neurocognitivos de la motivación en el entrenamiento físico
description La inactividad física y el sedentarismo son en la actualidad un problema de salud global que preocupa por su crecimiento sistemático. Provoca consecuencias sanitarias en los adultos y, con un incremento alarmante, en la población más joven. Por el contrario, la realización periódica de actividad física ha demostrado beneficios a la salud física, neurológica y mental. A pesar de los incontrovertibles datos sobre sus efectos positivos, menos de la mitad de la población mundial se ejercita regularmente. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una breve descripción sobre los mecanismo neurocognitivos que se encuentran implicados en los procesos de motivación, en especial los que se vinculan a la actividad física, con la finalidad de presentar una serie de recomendaciones pragmáticas para aumentar la adherencia a programas de entrenamiento físico, basados en técnicas de la psicología cognitiva y analizados desde la perspectiva neurocognitiva.
description_eng Physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle are currently a global health problem that concerns because of its systematic growth, the health consequences it causes for adults and, in alarming escalation, also for the younger population. On the contrary, regular physical activity has shown benefits to physical, neurological and mental health. Despite the incontrovertible information about its positive effects, less than half of the world’s population excercises regularly. This work’s objective is to make a brief description of the neurocognitive mechanisms that are involved in the motivational processes, especially those linked to physical activity, in order to present pragmatic recommendations that increase adherence to physical training programs, based on techniques of cognitive psychology and analyzed from a neurocognitive perspective.
author Salvador Bertone, Matías
Ezequiel Loskin, Ulises
Sandoval Obando, Eduardo
Acosta, Martín
author_facet Salvador Bertone, Matías
Ezequiel Loskin, Ulises
Sandoval Obando, Eduardo
Acosta, Martín
topicspa_str_mv Actividad física
reestructuración cognitiva
neurociencia cognitiva
topic Actividad física
reestructuración cognitiva
neurociencia cognitiva
Physical activity
cognitive restructuring
cognitive neuroscience
topic_facet Actividad física
reestructuración cognitiva
neurociencia cognitiva
Physical activity
cognitive restructuring
cognitive neuroscience
citationvolume 2
citationissue 1
publisher Fundación Universitaria María Cano
ispartofjournal Revista de Investigación e Innovación en Ciencias de la Salud
language Español
format Article
references De Souza GG, Duarte ID, De Castro Perez A. Differential involvement of central and peripheral a2 adrenoreceptors in the antinociception induced by aerobic and resistance exercise. Anesth Analg [Internet]. 2013 Mar;116(3):703-711. DOI:
Organización Mundial de la Salud [Internet]. 2002 Ago 09. Estrategia mundial sobre régimen alimentario, actividad física y salud: inactividad física: un problema de salud pública mundial; fecha de publicación desconocida [citado 2020 Jun 13]. 1 pantalla. Disponible en:
Davidson, R J. Emotion and affective style: hemispheric substrate. Psychological Science [Internet]. 1992 Ene 1;3(1): 39-43. DOI:
Shimamura AP. Toward a cognitive neuroscience of metacognition. Consciousness and Cognition [Internet]. 2000 Jun;9(2):313–323. DOI:
Banks SJ, Eddy KT, Angstadt M, Nathan PJ, Phan KL. Amygdala–frontal connectivity during emotion regulation. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci [Internet]. 2007 Jul 21;2(4):303–312. DOI:
Rotter J. Generalized expectancies for internal versus external control of reinforcement. Psychological Monographs: General and Applied [Internet]. 1896-1966;80(1):1-28. DOI:
Ng TWH, Sorensen KL, Eby LT. Locus of control at work: a meta-analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior [Internet]; 2006 Sep 22;27(8):1057-1087. DOI:
Johnson C. Sports as a mechanism for reaching your potential: the relationship between positive psychology and sports. Sports science and human health-different approaches [Internet]. 2020 Feb 25. IntechOpen:1-18. DOI:
Boiche J, Sarrazin P. Proximal and distal factors associated with dropout versus maintained participation in organized sport. J Sports Sci Med [Internet]. 2009 Mar 1;8(1):9-16. Disponible en:
Cervelló E. La motivación y el abandono deportivo desde la perspectiva de las metas de logro. [tesis doctoral]. [Valencia]: Universidad de Valencia; 1996.
Chalah MA, Ayache SS. Disentangling the neural basis of cognitive behavioral therapy in psychiatric disorders: a focus on depression. Brain Sci [Internet]. 2018 Ago 9;8(8):150.
Hope D.A, Burns J.A, Hyes S.A, Herbert J.D, Warner M.D. Automatic thoughts and cognitive restructuring in cognitive behavioral group therapy for social anxiety disorder. Cognitive Therapy Research [Internet]. 2007 Jun 2;34(0):1–12. DOI:
Nicholas AP, hokfelt T, Pieribone VA. The distribution and significance of CNS adrenoceptors examined with in situ hybridization. Trends Pharmacol Sci [Internet]. 1996 Jul;17(7):245-255. DOI:
Richardson CR, Faulkner G, and McDevitt J. Integrating physical activity into mental health services for persons with serious mental illness. Psychiatr Serv [Internet]. 2005 Mar 1;56(3):324–31. DOI:
MacDonald E, Kobilka BK, Scheinin M. Gene targetinghoming in on alpha 2-adrenoceptor-subtype function. Trends Pharmacol Sci [Internet]. 1997 Jun 1;18(6):211-219. DOI:
Yaksh TL. Pharmacology of spinal adrenergic systems which modulate spinal nociceptive processing. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1985 May;22(5):845-858. DOI:
Bromberg-Martin ES, Hikosaka O, Nakamura K. Coding of task reward value in the dorsal raphe nucleus. J Neurosci [Internet]. 2010 May 5;30(18):6262–6272. DOI:
Bari A, Theobald DE, Caprioli D, Mar AC, Aidoo-Micah A., Dalley JW, et al. Serotonin modulates sensitivity to reward and negative feedback in a probabilistic reversal learning task in rats. Neuropsychopharmacology [Internet]. 2010 Ene 27;35(0):1290–1301. DOI:
Fischer A G, Ullsperger M. An update on the role of serotonin and its interplay with dopamine for reward. Front Hum Neurosci [Internet]. 2017 Oct 11;11(484). DOI:
Korb A, Bonetti LV, da Silva SA, et al. Effect of treadmill exercise on serotonin immunoreactivity in medullary raphe nuclei and spinal cord following sciatic nerve transection in rats. Neurochem Res [Internet]. 2009 Sep 23;35(0):380-389 DOI:
Pietrelli A, Matković L, Vacotto M, Lopez-Costa JJ, Basso N, Brusco A. Aerobic exercise upregulates the BDNF-serotonin systems and improves the cognitive function in rats. Neurobiology of learning and Memory [Internet]; 2018 Nov;155(0):528-542. DOI:
Brown BS, Payne T, Kim C, Moore G, Krebs P, Martin W. Chronic response of rat brain norepinephrine and serotonin levels to endurance training. J Appl Physiol Respir Environ Exerc Physiol [Internet]. 1979 Ene 1;46(1):19-23. DOI:
Rivot J.P., Pointis D., Besson J.M. A comparison of the effects of morphine on 5-HT metabolism in the periaqueductal gray, ventromedial medulla and medullary dorsal horn: in vivo electrochemical studies in freely moving rats. Brain Research, 1989. 495 (1), pp. 140-144.27.
Millan Mj. Descending control of pain. Prog Neurobiol. 2002 Abr;66(6): 355-474. DOI:
Galdino G, Romero TR, Silva jF, et al. The endocannabinoid system mediates aerobic exercise induced antinociception in rats. Neuropharmacology [Internet]. 2014 Feb; 77(0): 313-324. DOI:
Sharma A, Madaan V, Petty FD. Exercise for mental health. Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry [Internet]. 2006;8(2):106. DOI:
Callaghan P. Exercise: a neglected intervention in mental health care? J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs [Internet]. 2004 Jul 14;11(4):476–83. DOI:
Raji CA, Merrill DA, Eyre H, Mallam S, Torosyan N, Erickson KI et al. Longitudinal relationships between caloric expenditure and gray matter in the cardiovascular health study. J Alzheimer’s Dis [Internet]. 2016; 52:719–29. DOI:

Diamond A, Ling DS. Conclusions about interventions, programs, and approaches for improving executive functions that appear justified and those that, despite much hype, do not. Dev Cogn Neurosci [Internet]. 2016;18:34–48. DOI:
Lytle M, Bilt J, Pandav R, Dodge H, Ganguli M. Exercise level and cognitive decline. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord [Internet]. 2004;18:57–64. DOI:
Guszkowska M. Effects of exercise on anxiety, depression and mood. Psychiatr Pol [Internet]. 2004 Jul-Ago;38(4):611–20. Disponible en:
Khan NA, Hillman CH. The relation of childhood physical activity and aerobic fitness to brain function and cognition: a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci [Internet]. 2014;26:138–146. DOI:
Stillman CM, Cohen J, Lehman ME, Erickson KI. Mediators of physical activity on neurocognitive function: a review at multiple levels of analysis. Front Hum Neurosci [Internet].2016 Dic 8;10:626. DOI:
Sharma, A. Madaan, V. Petty, F D. Exercise for Mental Health. [Internet]. 2006;8(2):106. DOI:
Sandoval-Obando, E.; Sierra, E. y Zacarés, J. Envejecer generativamente: una propuesta desde el modelo del buen vivir. Neurama. Revista Electrónica de Psicogerontología [Internet]. 2019;6(2): 16-26. Disponible en:
Hötting K, Röder B. Beneficial effects of physical exercise on neuroplasticity and cognition. Neurosci Biobehav Rev [Internet]. 2013 Nov;37(9B):2243–2257. DOI:
Ma CL, Ma XT, Wang JJ, Liu H, Chen YF, Yang Y. Physical exercise induces hippocampal neurogenesis and prevents cognitive decline. Behav Brain Res [Internet]. 2017 Ene 15;317(0):332–339. DOI:
Yau SY, Gil-Mohapel J, Christie BR, So KF. Physical exercise-induced adult neurogenesis: a good strategy to prevent cognitive decline in neurodegenerative diseases? Biomed Res Int [Internet]. 2014 Abr 9;2014(403120). DOI:
Öhman H, Savikko N, Strandberg TE, Pitkälä KH. Effect of physical exercise on cognitive performance in older adults with mild cognitive impairment or dementia: a systematic review. Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis [Internet]. 2014;38:347–365. DOI:
Luliano E, di Cagno A, Cristofano A, Angiolillo A, D´Aversa R, Ciccotelli S et al. Physical exercise for prevention of dementia (EPD) study: background, design and methods. BMC Public Health [Internet]. 2019 May 29;19(659) DOI:
Fogarty M, Happell B, Pinikahana J. The benefits of an exercise program for people with schizophrenia: a pilot study. Psychiatr Rehabil J [Internet]. 2004;28(2):173–6. DOI:
Peluso MA, Andrade LH. Physical activity and mental health: the association between exercise and mood. Clinics [Internet]. 2005 Ene-Feb;60(1):61–70. DOI:
Watkins, B. A. Endocannabinoids, exercise, pain, and a path to health with aging. Molecular Aspects of Medicine [Internet]; 2018 Dic;64(0):68-78. DOI:
Galdino G, Romero T, Silva JF, et al. Acute resistance exercise induces antinociception by activation of the endocannabinoid system in rats. Anesth Analg [Internet]. 2014 Sep;119(3): 702-715. DOI:
Murad F. Nitric oxide and cyclic GMP in cell signaling and drug development. N Engl J Med [Internet]. 2006 Nov 9; 355(0): 2003-2011. DOI:
Le Heron C, Apps MAJ, Husain M. The anatomy of apathy: a neurocognitive framework for amotivated behaviour. Neuropsychologia [Internet]. 2018 Sep;118(B):54-67. DOI:
Jonsdottir Ih, Jungersten L, Johansson C, Wennmalm A, Thorean P, Hoffmann P. Increase in nitric oxide formation after chronic voluntary exercise in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Acta Physiol Scand [Internet]. 1998 Feb;162(2):149-153. DOI:
Organización Mundial de la Salud [Internet]. 2002 Ago 09. Estrategia mundial sobre régimen alimentario, actividad física y salud: actividad física; fecha de publicación desconocida [citado 2020 Jun 13]. 1 pantalla. Disponible en:
Yong Tan S, Yip A. António Egas Moniz (1874–1955): Lobotomy pioneer and Nobel laureate. Singapore Med J [Internet]. 2014;55(4):175–176. DOI:
Sung-il K. Neuroscientific model of motivational process. Front Psychol [Internet]. 2013 Mar 04; 4(98) DOI:
Davidson R. Anterior cerebral asymmetry and the nature of emotion. Brain and Cognition [Internet]. 1992 Sep; 20(1): 125-151. DOI:
Duarte ID, Lorenzetti BB, Ferreira Sh. Peripheral analgesia and activation of the nitric oxide cyclic GMP pathway. Eur J Pharmacol [Internet]. 1990 Sep 21;186(2-3):289-293. DOI:
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